So I thought I would blog to let everyone know what the Carmesin's have been up to lately. I'll start with Travis since I never begin with him. He has been working a lot and right now he is back out of town. I miss him daily but not as much as the kids do. Carly stated last night " I want my daddy" when she was laying down to bed. I felt for her. Last weekend Travis and I had some alone time. He got home last Friday night from work and then Saturday we headed for Salyer. We took our time getting up and getting the kids ready to spend the day and night with Janelle and my mom. They could live at my mom's on the weekends because they don't see her that much during the week. They do live at Vickies during the week while I'm at school, school, and more schools.. Between both grandparents my children are spoiled (not rotten!) So Travis and I took his horse and my dad's horse to Salyer and played all day. We visited with family and enjoyed relaxing. It was a great weekend. Cole and Carly are doing well and Carly is having an outstanding week. I think her teeth must have been really bothering her the last couple of weeks because she was super cranky and crazy. Cole has been terrific and is doing really well in school. He doesn't seem so shy and is outgoing. I am trying along with the help of my sisters and my wonderful mother-in-law Vickie to plan my parents 25 wedding anniversary. It is going to be on New's Year Eve so we have a perfect image of what it needs to look like. It is all coming together. I ALMOST FORGOT..... My sister Rachelle is engaged to her long-time boyfriend Clay Hicks. He proposed on Labor day and the wedding is going to be July 12, 2008 at our families house in Salyer. There is going to be 11 bridesmaids so it will be fun....or ..... Anyway we are super excited for both of them. I'll end with that good news.
great to hear the updates! yay for rachelle. I didn't know they were even dating again, but that is great news.
Time with the hubby is always great! Congrats to your sister, now your parents will have all daughters married!
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