Saturday was my graduation from HSU. Friday before graduation my family and I attended an All Nations Graduation where all Native American students who are active on campus received their sashes. The sashes are to be worn at graduation and they symbolize Native American leadership and role models. The ceremony was extremely emotional but deeply personal. My grandmother awarded me my sash and wrote a wonderful speech.
Saturday morning I graduated at 8:30am and I couldn't sleep the night before and I was ready to go at 5:00am. I got ready for the graduation and Grandma took a picture of Travis and I before he took me to school. I wore a traditional cap instead of the other black whatever its called. After graduation my family and I immediately went to the history reception and I received an award for my senior seminar paper. In all the hustle and bustle we didn't get very many pictures after the reception. Oh well.... I wanted one with Travis and the kids for a Thank You card.
After graduation we all headed back to my house where we had a Party. It was so so so much fun. They were eighty people here and we all laughed and cried and celebrated education. I really hope that I can inspire one person, old or young to continue their education. I felt that I could give up so many times and that it would be fine to work in an office from 8-5 but I didn't accept average. Everyone has a passion and a purpose that will make them happy but they have to work hard to nurture their talents, it isn't going to be an easier pathway. That was a rant...
I am having an okay week. I am glad to be done with school but I have to make some changes to a paper and then it will be ready for the President of HSU and the Barnum trustees. Work is getting busier, and Travis is getting ready to go back to work. Saturday night my mom and me head to Napa for a couple of days and I can't wait. Have a great summer.
Congratulations Danielle! It must feel so good to know that you are done. Way to go!
Congrats Danielle. What an accomplishment especially since you have a whole family to take care of. You have a lot to be proud of and you are certainly a role model!
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