The newest member of our family was born yesterday January 12, 2009 at 2:21 in the afternoon. He weighed 7lbs 10oz and he is 19 inches long. Janelle went into the hospital Sunday January 11, 2009 to be induced a couple days before her January 15th due date. She was given cervidal for 12 hours then they started her on pitocin. After her water broke she was in full blown labor. She was given an epidural and progressed rapidly. She pushed for 15-20 minutes. Birth is always a miracle. Janelle is amazing she doesn't scream or yell, she is a quiet person while struggling. She focuses and endures. Sis and I wish we had her stamina. I don't have very good pictures of Lucas but I wanted to post what I did have. Jenna has some amazing photos and hopefully she'll send us what she has or post them on her blog. Travis and I love having nephews because there isn't anything quite like it. We get to spoil them rotten. I'll update with some better quality pics as soon as possible. Welcome Lucas:)
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15 years ago
He is so precious- Janelle did a great job, such a trooper- I saw her last night and she didn't even look like she had just given birth a few hours before;) Welcome Lucas!! We're so happy you're here!
He is SO cute!!!!! Janelle IS a trooper! She does such a great job!
so cute :) Congrats auntie and family!
congrats! What a cute baby and cute name!
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